Decoding the hidden Wunderlist API (Part II)

In part I we discovered the hidden Wunderlist API. In this post, I am to show partial implementation of this API client in Java using Retrofit. The implementation is hosted in my Git repository. Feed free to fork, extend or submit appropriate pull requests. I will be glad to accept your contribution.

Retrofit is a java library which turns your REST API into java interfaces. For example, the REST API which we discovered in Part I will be defined as:

public interface WunderAPI
	LoginResponse login(@Field("email") String username, @Field("password")String password);
	@GET(value = "/me")
	Me getUserInfo(@Header("Authorization") String authorization);
	@GET(value = "/me/tasks")
	List<WTask> GetWunderTasks(@Header("Authorization") String authorization);
	@POST(value = "/me/tasks")
	List<WTask> CreateWunderTask(@Header("Authorization") String authorization, String listId, String title,  String isStarred, String dueDate);
	@GET(value = "/me/lists")
	List<WList> GetLists(@Header("Authorization") String authorization);

Java Classes such as WList, WTask and Me all map to the JSON response returned by individual REST API.

How do I invoke the API?

Invoking the API is simple. There is a helper class WunderList which is basically a singleton and you have get its instance by providing the wunderlist username and password. Once we have the instance we can invoke the corresponding helper methods such as GetLists and GetTasks.

wunderList=WunderList.getInstance(username, password);

List<WList> wlists=wunderList.GetLists();

List<WTask> wTasks=wunderList.GetTasks();


I will be glad to accept pull requests to make this API client as complete as possible. Since this is still a very partial implementation, I look forward to the contributions from people who want to build something awesome using Wunderlist API.

The project is an Eclipse java application. You can either use eclipse or gradle to build it. For example, using gradle use the task mainjar to build the executable jar

D:\Users\madhur\workspace\location\Wunderjava>gradle mainjar
:mainjar UP-TO-DATE


Total time: 3.945 secs
D:\Users\madhur\workspace\location\Wunderjava>cd build

D:\Users\madhur\workspace\location\Wunderjava\build>cd libs

D:\Users\madhur\workspace\location\Wunderjava\build\libs>java -jar Wunderjava.jar
Enter the Wunderlist username:
[email protected]
Enter the Wunderlist password:
Name: madhur
Authorization Toekn: 8758a4a0f983177a427a879a30b144d92bc2f01e
Press enter to print out the lists

Printing out the lists:
Movies to Watch
App ideas
Healthy foods
Role models
Kanika session
Blog Articles
Coconut milk
Home shpng
Kwality bazar
Press enter to print out the tasks